Premesse per una discussione sul rapporto tra continuità e discontinuità nel diritto civile
Published 2021-11-16
- 2021-11-16 (2)
- 2021-11-16 (1)
- Tullio Ascarelli, continuity, discontinuity, legal hermeneutics, Italian private law
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Starting from a Tullio Ascarelli theoretical and methodological essay published in 1953,this paper proposes a thoughtful discussion on some aspects of the relationship betweencontinuity and discontinuity in Italian civil law. In the background, there is the perceivedneed for a methodological renewal in the face of Italian case law massive recourse to an ar-gumentation largely based on general principles and general clauses. However, Ascarelli’smethodological lesson shows how the interpreter hermeneutic openness does not representan attack against the certainty of law and the predictability of decisions (therefore of thetransformations of the legal system by way of interpretation), because this hermeneuticopenness is never left to itself, but is subject to controls of legal and social nature. Hence,of course – in Ascarelli’s perspective and in that of the most attentive contemporary legal hermeneutics –, provided that the relationship between legal continuity and discontinuityis placed in an authentically historical dimension, which looks to the jurist-interpreter asthe subject called upon to assess reality normatively, thus giving rise to new legal rules, ina continuous process of constant adaptation of the legal system to the social order.