Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Diritti antichi

Partes formularum e ‘consenso’ magistratuale*

Giovanni Papa

Published 2024-05-06


  • Denegare actionem, denegare exceptionem, denegare replicationem

How to Cite

Papa, G. (2024). Partes formularum e ‘consenso’ magistratuale*. Specula Iuris, 3(2), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.30682/specula0302a


The investigation offers a reinterpretation of the sources of jurisprudence and the imperial chanchery attesting to the power of the magistrate to prevent the insertion of the exception or the reply within the formula. Reinterpretation also directed to reconstruct the (possible) course of the judicial ‘leeway’ aimed at resulting in the decision to deny the requested remedy.