Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)

Vecchie questioni e nuove soluzioni a proposito dei Commentarii di Gaio

Giovanni Cossa

Published 2024-05-07


  • Gaius, Commentarii, law teaching

How to Cite

Cossa, G. (2024). Vecchie questioni e nuove soluzioni a proposito dei Commentarii di Gaio. Specula Iuris, 3(2), 115–165. https://doi.org/10.30682/specula0302e


The essay reviews the main thoughts aroused by the reading of Giuseppe Falcone’s recent book on Gaius’ Commentarii, in which the Author clearly and convincingly examines many of the issues that have long occupied scholars. Falcone’s positions display, frequently, a character of originality and are, therefore, proof of how it’s still possible to propose new ideas, even in a subject that is much debated by doctrine. The publication, consequently, represents a new point of reference for those who dedicate themselves to the study of Gaius’ manual, and compels to rethink apparently consolidated themes.